HL7 AT FHIR Core IG Track 2024


The given structure of this track is mainly based on HL7 International's Connectathon Patient Track definition.

Short Description

This track provides new participants with a friendly introduction to the HL7 AT FHIR Core IG, using a simple scenario that can be met with limited domain knowledge and by those who have not had a lot of exposure to FHIR.

Long Description

This is the HL7 AT FHIR Core IG Track testing that will be included in all future FHIR Hackathons. This track gives participants the opportunity to learn about how HL7 AT FHIR Core IG Resources are constructed, how you can create a FHIR Resource on a FHIR Server, how you can update that FHIR Resource, how you can review the version history for that FHIR Resource, search for that FHIR Resource and delete the FHIR Resource. This track is used by both FHIR Clients and FHIR Servers to learn about the basic foundational concepts used by FHIR. No prior experience is necessary, and it can be accomplished with or without the use of development or programming tools.

Experimental part: IPS in context of ELGA:

This year, we specifically plan to experiment with resources from the International Patient Summary (IPS). ELGA GmbH will provide test resources around the IPS composition for use cases in preventive care and integrated care solutions. The goal is to identify, how these resources are handled in practice and how the IPS artifacts can be used.


Educate on the use of FHIR technology in Austria

Submitting Work Group/
Implementer Group  

HL7 Austria

Track Lead(s)
Track Lead Email(s)
Related Tracks
FHIR Version


  • FHIR R4
  • FHIR R5


  • FHIR R4
Specification(s) this track uses

https://fhir.hl7.at/r4-core-main (HL7 FHIR AT Core IG R4)

https://fhir.hl7.at/r5-core-main (HL7 FHIR AT Core IG R5)

https://hl7.org/fhir/ (FHIR R5)

Artifacts of focus


(general description: https://hl7.org/fhir/patient.html)


(general description: https://www.hl7.org/fhir/datatypes.html#Address)


(general description: https://hl7.org/fhir/organization.html)


(general description: https://hl7.org/fhir/practitioner.html)


(general description: https://hl7.org/fhir/practitionerrole.html)


(general description: https://www.hl7.org/fhir/extensibility.html#Extension)


(general descripton: https://hl7.org/fhir/uv/ips/

Date / Time
Monday March 11, 09:00am-16:30pm CET
Test Servers
See Test Servers
Expected participants

Level 1:

  • Any new participants that are looking for a hackathon track to participate on.
  • FHIR server interaction via Browser, Postman or other simple FHIR clients.
  • Publicly available FHIR instances used.

Level 2:

  • More experienced attendees interested in working with FHIR Profiles, CodeSystems and ValueSets - especially those defined in the HL7 FHIR AT Core IG.
  • FHIR server interaction via Postman, FHIR SDKs or other clients suitable for advanced users.

Level 3 (optional):

  • Hackathon attendees interested in using a more formalized testing approach.
    Public testing platforms are used and will host the required TestScripts; e.g. AEGIS - Touchstone tool and test scripts (check if used FHIR server supports FHIR TestScript-Ressources)
Track Details

System Roles

FHIR Client

This actor initiates the processing requests that enable the creation, deletion, manipulation and retrieval of Patient resource instances. The required, supported interactions are the defined basic CRUD operations: create, read, update and delete. Additional required, supported interactions are the operations: vread, history and search. (check if operations are supported by used FHIR server)

FHIR Server

This actor receives, processes and responds to the requests for creation, deletion, manipulation and retrieval of Patient resource instances. The implementation of this actor would normally provide for a repository storage mechanism along with corresponding maintenance and retrieval capabilities of the Patient resource instances. The required, supported interactions are the defined basic CRUD operations: create, read, update and delete. Additional required, supported interactions are the operations: vread, history and search. (check if operations are supported by used FHIR server)


For all levels of testing the required pre-requisite is the fundamental requirement that all FHIR servers SHALL support the capabilities interaction. Please note that not all available FHIR servers support the same interactions, operations and/or resources. It might happen that your chosen FHIR server is incompatible with the action you intend to carry out. This includes the supported data format as well, e.g. XML or JSON.
Check the documentation of each FHIR server supplied below beforehand to verify its compatibility.

Level 1 - Introduction - New Participants/Systems

This has been and will remain the main purpose of this track and provides a 'friendly introduction' for those new to FHIR and/or the HL7 AT FHIR Core IG. Attendees participate in this track using a simple scenario that can be met with limited domain knowledge and by those who have not had a lot of exposure to FHIR. It is quite feasible to complete the client side of the track within a day with only knowledge of a development environment and little to no previous FHIR knowledge. If creating a server, advanced preparation will be required, but this scenario should somewhat limit the effort involved.

Testing and test reporting at the Hackathon event will be self-attested and primarily involve peer-to-peer execution between known FHIR clients and/or servers.

Level 2 - HL7 FHIR AT Core IG (in more detail)

This level gives more FHIR-proficient participants an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the content of the HL7 AT FHIR Core IG, particularly the AT Core Patient Profile which uses multiple FHIR extensions as well as CodeSystems and Value Sets. Finally, participants have the opportunity to intract with the FHIR Terminology Server from the Terminology Track as the HL7 AT FHIR Core Patient is a fairly good demonstration of its usage.

Testing and test reporting at the Hackathon event will be self-attested an primarily involve peer-to-peer execution between the participating FHIR servers and clients used by participants.

Level 3 - Formal Testing - Participants with FHIR experience (optional)

This level introduces a more formalized testing approach for those participants that have been working the FHIR and/or the HL7 AT FHIR Core IG specification and wish to move beyond basic testing and may have systems that are in active development, deployed or soon to be deployed into a production environment. Automated testing is significantly leveraged for both automated testing (testing tool to FHIR server) and surveillance of peer-to-peer testing (external FHIR client to external FHIR server).

Pre-hackathon testing is highly encouraged in order to be better prepared for the actual Hackathon event and become familiar with the public testing platforms that will be used for the formal testing.

Testing and test reporting will be done using the public testing platforms which will provide test results via the new FHIR TestReport resource type as well as any specific reporting capabilities of those testing platforms. These reports will provide qualitative and quantitative analysis of the system under test and its conformance to the FHIR specification and the HL7 AT FHIR Core IG.

Attention: Please make sure the FHIR server you utilize for automated testing supports the FHIR TestScript resource type and its processing.


Level 1 - Introduction - New Participants/Systems

The following scenarios represent the basic scenarios that participants will work to implement during the Hackathon event. Execution of these scenarios is expected to be performed with the other participants of this track as well as the Public Test Servers.

1. Register a new patient

Action: FHIR client creates a new HL7 FHIR AT Core Patient and saves it to FHIR server. The client can assign the Id.
Precondition: HL7 FHIR AT Core Patient does not exist in FHIR server prior to action
Success Criteria: HL7 FHIR AT Core Patient created correctly on FHIR server (use browser or Postman to inspect Patient)
>>Note: the resource Id can either be created by the client or the server (depending on the capability of the server). However, if the server assigns the Id, then the client will need to be able to retrieve the Id from the server response or by a patient query.

2. Update a patient

Action: FHIR client updates the HL7 FHIR AT Core Patient created in scenario #1 and updates to FHIR server. The patient is retrieved by Id.
Precondition: HL7 FHIR AT Core Patient has been created
Success Criteria: HL7 FHIR AT Core Patient updated on FHIR server (use browser or Postman to inspect Patient)

3. Retrieve Patient history

Action: FHIR client searches the FHIR server for the history of a HL7 FHIR AT Core Patient
Precondition: There is a HL7 FHIR AT Core Patient that has at least one update
Success Criteria: Patient's history displayed in interface. (use browser or Postman to query FHIR server)
Bonus point: The UI allows the user to display previous versions of the Patient

4. Search for a patient on name

Action: FHIR client searches the FHIR server for HL7 FHIR AT Core Patients with a given name
Precondition: HL7 FHIR AT Core Patients with that name have been created
Success Criteria: HL7 FHIR AT Core Patients displayed in interface. (use browser query or Postman to confirm)

5. Delete a patient

Action: FHIR client deletes the HL7 FHIR AT Core Patient with a given id
Precondition: a HL7 FHIR AT Core Patient with that Id has been created
Success Criteria: Subsequently querying for the HL7 FHIR AT Core Patient - either searching by name or by Id - fails.

Level 2 - HL7 AT FHIR Core IG (in more detail)

  1. Register the HL7 AT Core Address Profile

Action: FHIR client saves the HL7 FHIR AT Core Address Profile to FHIR server.
Precondition: HL7 FHIR AT Core Address Profile does not exist in FHIR server prior to action.
Success Criteria: HL7 FHIR AT Core Address created correctly on FHIR server (use browser or Postman to inspect it via its URL element)

2. Register the HL7 AT Core Address-additional-information Extension Profile

Action: FHIR client saves the HL7 FHIR AT Core Address-additional-information Extension to FHIR server.
Precondition: HL7 FHIR AT Core Address-additional-information Extension does not exist in FHIR server prior to action.
Success Criteria: HL7 FHIR AT Core Address-additional-information Extension created correctly in FHIR server (use browser or Postman to inspect it via its URL element)

3. Register the HL7 AT Core Patient-religion Extension Profile

Action: FHIR client saves the HL7 AT Core Patient-religion Extension Profile to FHIR server.
Precondition: HL7 AT Core Patient-religion Profile does not exist in FHIR server prior to action.
Success Criteria: HL7 AT Core Patient-religion Profile created correctly on FHIR server (use browser or Postman to inspect it via its URL element)

4. Register the HL7 AT Core ISO 3166-1-alpha-3 CodeSystem

Action: FHIR client saves the HL7 AT Core ISO 3166-1-alpha-3 CodeSystem to FHIR server.
Precondition: HL7 AT Core ISO 3166-1-alpha-3 CodeSystem does not exist in FHIR server prior to action.
Success Criteria: HL7 AT Core ISO 3166-1-alpha-3 CodeSystem created correctly on FHIR server (use browser or Postman to inspect it via its URL element)
Bonus point: Perform a FHIR $lookup Operation for a country code.
Bonus point: Perform a FHIR $validate-code Operation for a country code against it.

5. Register the HL7 AT Core ELGA Country Codes Value Set

Action: FHIR client saves the HL7 AT Core ELGA Country Codes Value Set to FHIR server.
Precondition: HL7 AT Core ELGA Country Codes Value Set does not exist in FHIR server prior to action.
Success Criteria: HL7 AT Core ELGA Country Codes Value Set created correctly on FHIR server (use browser or Postman to inspect it via its URL element)

6. Register the HL7 AT Core Religion CodeSystem

Action: FHIR client saves the HL7 AT Core Religion CodeSystem to FHIR server.
Precondition: HL7 AT Core Religion CodeSystem does not exist in FHIR server prior to action.
Success Criteria: HL7 AT Core Religion CodeSystem created correctly on FHIR server (use browser or Postman to inspect it via its URL element)
Bonus point: Perform a FHIR $lookup Operation for a religion code.
Bonus point: Perform a FHIR $validate-code Operation for a religion code against it.

7. Register the HL7 AT Core ELGA Religion ValueSet

Action: FHIR client saves the HL7 AT Core Religion ValueSet to FHIR server.
Precondition: HL7 AT Core Religion ValueSet does not exist in FHIR server prior to action.
Success Criteria: HL7 AT Core Religion ValueSet created correctly on FHIR server (use browser or Postman to inspect it via its URL element)
Bonus point: Perform a FHIR $validate-code Operation for a religion code against it.

8. Register the HL7 AT Core Patient Profile

Action: FHIR client saves the HL7 AT Core Patient Profile to FHIR server.
Precondition: HL7 AT Core Patient Profile does not exist in FHIR server prior to action.
Success Criteria: HL7 AT Core Patient Profile created correctly on FHIR server (use browser or Postman to inspect it via its URL element)

9. Register the HL7 AT Core Patient Example

Action: FHIR client saves one HL7 AT Core Patient Example to FHIR server.
Precondition: Steps 1-8 must have been executed successfully. That very HL7 AT Core Patient Example does not exist in FHIR server prior to action.
Success Criteria: HL7 AT Core Patient Example created correctly on FHIR server (use browser or Postman to query server - either searching by given name, family name or Id)
Bonus point: Validate the example you just created on FHIR server against its profile (registered in Step 8)

10. Validate the HL7 AT Core Patient Example

Action: FHIR client validated the HL7 AT Core Patient Example from Step 8 against its declared Profile, registered in Step 8.
Precondition: Steps 1-8 must have been executed successfully.
Success Criteria: No significant errors (and in the best case no warnings as well) appear after validation.

Formal Testing

Level 3 - Formal Testing - Participants with FHIR experience

The following scenarios represent the formal testing scenarios that participants have been working to implement both prior to and during the Hackathon event. Execution of these scenarios will focus on automated testing with the public testing platforms and is expected to be performed with the other participants of this track as well as the Public Test Servers. Each of the scenarios are implemented as FHIR TestScript resources that include extensive assertions to provide a more comprehensive validation/verification of the systems under test conformance to the FHIR specification.

NOTE 1: All testing scenarios are performed by choosing FHIR TestScript resources that use:

(a) XML or JSON
(b) client or server assigned resource IDs

NOTE 2: When testing a FHIR server, all of the test scenarios can be completed with a single TestScript--see 99. test scenario below.

NOTE 3: When testing a FHIR client, be sure to remember the following:

(a) Use the proxy URL of the FHIR server you are sending the request to, not the proxy URL of the FHIR client. The proxy URL assigned to the FHIR client is only used if the FHIR client is also a FHIR server and can accept requests.
(b) The warning about a missing conformance statement for the FHIR client can be ignored. If the FHIR client does publish a conformance statement, it is used by the test tool, but it is not required.
(c) When the test tool is "Waiting for Request", click on "Waiting for Request" and check the details of what it is waiting for under the "Submit the following request:" section--specifically, the Method, URL and Header values which should all match 100% what is sent.

1. Patient Registration/Creation

FHIR Server

Action: Use testing tool to create a new patient on the FHIR server
Precondition: TestScript will first delete the patient if it exists
Success Criteria: Testing tool passes all assertions and validations which include (a) HTTP status returned is 201 (Created), (b) returned format matches sent format, (c) patient can be retrieved and HTTP status 200 (OK) is returned, (d) retrieved patient format matches sent format and (e) conforms to base FHIR Patient profile.

FHIR Client

Action: FHIR client creates a new patient and saves it to FHIR server. A testing tool is used as a proxy in order to validate that the transaction is processed correctly.
Precondition: Patient does not exist in FHIR server prior to action
Success Criteria: Testing tool passes all assertions and validations which include (a) HTTP method is PUT, (b) URL contains full URL to Patient resource, (c) HTTP Header Accept contains the correct value, (d) HTTP Header Content-Type contains the correct value, (e) requested resource type is Patient, and (f) the HTTP Response from the FHIR server is valid.

2. Patient Modification/Update

FHIR Server

Action: Use testing tool to update an existing patient on the FHIR server with a new birth date
Precondition: TestScript will first delete the patient if it exists and create a new patient resource to update
Success Criteria: Testing tool passes all assertions and validations which include (a) HTTP status returned is 200 (OK), (b) HTTP Header Content-Type is returned with correct value, (c) updated patient can be retrieved and HTTP status 200 (OK) is returned, (d) retrieved patient conforms to base FHIR Patient profile.

FHIR Client

Action: FHIR client updates a patient on the FHIR server. A testing tool is used as a proxy in order to validate that the transaction is processed correctly.
Precondition: Patient exists on FHIR server prior to action
Success Criteria: Testing tool passes all assertions and validations which include (a) HTTP method is PUT, (b) URL contains full URL to Patient resource, (c) HTTP Header Accept contains the correct value, (d) HTTP Header Content-Type contains the correct value, (e) requested resource type is Patient, and (f) the HTTP Response from the FHIR server is valid.

3. Patient Read

FHIR Server

Action: Use testing tool to retrieve a patient from the FHIR server
Precondition: TestScript will first delete the patient if it exists and create a new patient resource to retrieve
Success Criteria: Testing tool passes all assertions and validations which include (a) HTTP status returned is 200 (OK), (b) HTTP Header Content-Type is returned with correct value, (c) retrieved patient conforms to base FHIR Patient profile

FHIR Client

Action: FHIR client retrieves a patient from the FHIR server. A testing tool is used as a proxy in order to validate that the transaction is processed correctly.
Precondition: Patient exists on FHIR server prior to action
Success Criteria: Testing tool passes all assertions and validations which include (a) HTTP method is GET, (b) URL contains full URL to Patient resource, (c) HTTP Header Accept contains the correct value, (d) HTTP Header Content-Type is absent and (e) the HTTP Response from the FHIR server is valid.

4. Patient History

FHIR Server

Action: Use testing tool to retrieve patient history from the FHIR server
Precondition: TestScript will first delete the patient if it exists and create a new patient resource and update it with a 2nd revision to be retrieved
Success Criteria: Testing tool passes all assertions and validations which include (a) HTTP status returned is 200 (OK), (b) HTTP Header Content-Type is returned with correct value, (c) returned resource type is Bundle, (d) the returned Bundle conforms to the base FHIR Bundle profile, (e) the Bundle type is history, (f) the Bundle contains at least 2 entries and (g) the Bundle total value matches the number of entries.

FHIR Client

Action: FHIR client retrieves the patient history from the FHIR server. A testing tool is used as a proxy in order to validate that the transaction is processed correctly.
Precondition: Patient exists on FHIR server prior to action
Success Criteria: Testing tool passes all assertions and validations which include (a) HTTP method is GET, (b) URL contains full URL to Patient resource history, (c) HTTP Header Accept contains the correct value, (d) HTTP Header Content-Type is absent and (e) the HTTP Response from the FHIR server is valid.

5. Patient Version Read

FHIR Server

Action: Use testing tool to retrieve specific patient versions from the FHIR server
Precondition: TestScript will first delete the patient if it exists and create a new patient resource and update it with a 2nd revision to be retrieved
Success Criteria: Testing tool passes all assertions and validations for both versions of the patient which include (a) HTTP status returned is 200 (OK), (b) HTTP Header Content-Type is returned with correct value, (c) returned resource conforms to base FHIR Patient profile.

FHIR Client

Action: FHIR client retrieves a specific patient version from the FHIR server. A testing tool is used as a proxy in order to validate that the transaction is processed correctly.
Precondition: Patient exists on FHIR server prior to action
Success Criteria: Testing tool passes all assertions and validations which include (a) HTTP method is GET, (b) URL contains full URL to specific Patient version, (c) HTTP Header Accept contains the correct value, (d) HTTP Header Content-Type is absent and (e) the HTTP Response from the FHIR server is valid.

6. Patient Searching via Multiple Criteria

FHIR Server

Action: Use testing tool to search for patient on the FHIR server

Precondition: TestScript will first delete the patient if it exists and create a new patient resource to search for by identifier, given and family name

Success Criteria: Testing tool passes all assertions and validations which include (a) HTTP status returned is 200 (OK), (b) HTTP Header Content-Type is returned with correct value, (c) returned resource type is Bundle, (d) the returned Bundle conforms to the base FHIR Bundle profile, (e) the Bundle type is searchset, and (f) the Bundle total value matches the number of entries.

FHIR Client

Action: FHIR client searches for the patient on the FHIR server. A testing tool is used as a proxy in order to validate that the transaction is processed correctly.

Precondition: Patient exists on FHIR server prior to action

Success Criteria: Testing tool passes all assertions and validations which include (a) HTTP method is GET, (b) URL contains search parameters for identifier, family and given, (c) HTTP Header Accept contains the correct value, (d) HTTP Header Content-Type is absent and (e) the HTTP Response from the FHIR server is valid.

7. Patient Deletion/Removal

FHIR Server

Action: Use testing tool to delete patient on the FHIR server

Precondition: TestScript will first delete the patient if it exists and create a new patient resource to be deleted

Success Criteria: Testing tool passes all assertions and validations which include (a) HTTP status returned is 204 (No Content), (b) after attempting to read patient an HTTP status 410 (Gone) is returned, and (c) after attempting to search patient an HTTP status 200 (OK) is returned, the HTTP Content-Type is returned with the correct value, returned resource type is Bundle, and the returned Bundle contains no entries.

FHIR Client

Action: FHIR client deletes a patient from the FHIR server. A testing tool is used as a proxy in order to validate that the transaction is processed correctly.

Precondition: Patient exists on FHIR server prior to action

Success Criteria: Testing tool passes all assertions and validations which include (a) HTTP method is DELETE, (b) URL contains full URL to Patient resource, (c) HTTP Header Accept contains the correct value, (d) HTTP Header Content-Type is absent and (e) the HTTP Response from the FHIR server is valid.

98. All Non-Versioning Patient Operations Defined Above

FHIR Server (use this TestScript to perform all non-versioning test scenarios listed above with a single TestScript execution)

Action: Use testing tool to perform all of the test scenarios listed above on the FHIR server which include (1) create a patient, (2) update the patients birth date, (3) retrieve the current patient, (4) search for the patient by identifier, given and family name and (5) delete the patient.
Precondition: TestScript will first delete the patient if it exists
Success Criteria: Testing tool passes all assertions and validations which include those for each of the test scenarios listed above

99. All Patient Operations Defined Above

FHIR Server (use this TestScript to perform all test scenarios listed above with a single TestScript execution)

Action: Use testing tool to perform all of the test scenarios listed above on the FHIR server which include (1) create a patient, (2) update the patients birth date, (3) retrieve the current patient, (4) retrieve the patient history, (5) retrieve each version of the patient, (6) search for the patient by identifier, given and family name and (7) delete the patient.
Precondition: TestScript will first delete the patient if it exists
Success Criteria: Testing tool passes all assertions and validations which include those for each of the test scenarios listed above

FHIR Client

NOTE: FHIR clients must execute the 7 test scenarios one at a time so, there is no TestScript artifact for this test scenario

Most FHIR terminology terminology service endpoints are open (at present).  This may change in the future as adoption and implementation experience increases in order to more directly manage external (non-HL7) licensing considerations.  Some servers do allow or require authentication.


The supporting TestScripts and corresponding fixtures have been committed to the FHIR documents Github repository at:

FHIR R4 (v4.0.0) TestScripts

The AEGIS Touchstone testing tool has test scripts available for tracks to test their implementations. See www.touchstone.com to sign in our register if you are a new user.
Below, you will find a link to the tests specific to the official HL7 Track.

Patient Tests can be found here:

4-0-1 Patient Basic Tests

4-0-1 Patient Advanced Tests

r4 Patient Basic Tests

r4 Patient Advanced Tests